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- Invoice Sales
- ÀáCustomerÀá
- You must select a customer for this sale. Customers are those card file entries
- you labeled 'Customer.'
- If there are pending sales on file for this customer, a dialog appears. You may
- choose to process a pending invoice (see Pending Invoice) or create a new one.
- ÀáShip ToÀá
- This is the ship to address that is printed on the invoice. The default is taken
- from the customer’s card in the card file. You may accept the default address or
- change it and press Tab.
- ˇNote:ˇ If there is no ship to address on the customer’s card, M.Y.O.B. uses the
- mailing address.
- There's a Card File icon next to the ship to address. Click it to choose an address
- from a card other than the selected customer's card. Choose any card, regardless of
- card type.
- This feature is a big help for customers with multiple shipping addresses.
- Simply create an extra card for each additional shipping address. Use a unique
- name for the extra card so you don't confuse it with the actual customer card.
- ÀáInvoice NumberÀá
- The Invoice Number identifies this transaction within the Sales & Receivables
- Journal. M.Y.O.B. sorts Sales & Receivables Journal transactions by journal
- (invoice) number within date. You may enter up to 8 characters, using any
- combination of numbers and letters. M.Y.O.B. provides a default 8-digit invoice
- number. M.Y.O.B. allows duplicate invoice numbers, however it is not
- recommended.
- ÀáNote:Àá M.Y.O.B. will automatically increment a numeric invoice number.
- M.Y.O.B. does not increment non-numeric invoice numbers. If you must use a
- non-numeric format, M.Y.O.B. keeps incrementing and providing the next
- numeric invoice number as the default. It is up to you to override it for every
- invoice.
- ÀáDateÀá
- All transactions within the Sales & Receivables Journal are sorted by
- transaction date. You may not enter a date prior to the conversion date or in a
- prior fiscal year. If you enter a future date, M.Y.O.B. accepts it, but only after
- warning you that the date is probably in error.
- ÀáCustomer P.O. NumberÀá
- This is optional. If your customer sent you a purchase order and you wish to
- note it on the invoice, enter it here.
- ÀáTermsÀá
- The invoice displays the credit terms, if any, for this customer. To change
- them, click the arrow next to the customer’s name.
- ÀáHandwrittenÀá
- If the invoice is not going to be printed by M.Y.O.B., check Handwritten.
- M.Y.O.B. then considers the invoice as already printed. When you print your invoices,
- select All Unprinted invoices and the 'handwritten' invoice is not included.
- ÀáShip ViaÀá
- This is an optional field. Enter how you wish to ship these items. The Ship Via
- field can be printed on the invoice.
- ÀáItem InvoiceÀá
- ÀáShip Quantity and Backorder QuantityÀá
- There are two quantity fields in M.Y.O.B. When you click Record, M.Y.O.B.
- records the sale for items with a Ship Quantity and creates a pending invoice for
- any quantities in the Backorder field.
- Enter the quantity of this item sold. Enter up to three decimal places.
- Zero is a valid quantity.
- Note: The quantity is in selling units. Say, for example, you said (when
- entering the item information) there are 6 inventory items per selling
- unit. When you enter 1 as the quantity, 6 items are taken from
- inventory.
- Note: Use Tab to move to the Item Number field. Pressing Return moves
- you to the next line. When the Ship Quantity field is empty, pressing
- Return jumps you to the Comment field.
- Àá Item NumberÀá
- Enter the Item Number of the item you’re selling and press Tab. The item
- description is displayed and you’re brought to the Price field.
- Note: Only items checked 'I Sell this Item' in the Items List window can
- be sold (see Items List in Chapter 6.)
- Note: Item numbers beginning with a (\) are not printed on the invoice.
- Use backslash item numbers to identify special items such as freight or
- handling charges or comments like, 'Thank You for choosing Acme.' See
- Items List in Chapter 6 for a complete discussion of special items.
- Àá DescriptionÀá
- The Description defaults to the name given to the item in the Item
- Information window. You may change it. But remember, if you change it,
- the item information is not changed. To change the item's name permanently,
- you must edit it via Items List in the Inventory command center.
- To enter more than one line of description see Chapter 4 of your User's Guide.
- Àá PriceÀá
- M.Y.O.B. defaults to the current price of the item (see Set Item Prices in
- Chapter 6). You may change it if you wish. Enter a whole number
- followed by up to three decimal places. M.Y.O.B. multiplies the price by
- the quantity, subtracts the discount and then rounds the final amount to
- the nearest penny.
- Àá DiscountÀá
- The discount is the percentage entered as the volume discount in the
- customer’s card. You may change it. Discounts can range from -100% to
- 100%. Enter 2.5% as '2.5,' not '.025.'
- Note: This is a discount for volume customers. It is not the discount for
- early payment.
- Àá TotalÀá
- Total Amount is the quantity multiplied by the price, minus the discount.
- Change it and M.Y.O.B. recalculates the discount.
- ÀáService InvoiceÀá
- Àá DescriptionÀá
- Enter whatever you’d like. For multi-line descriptions, press Return to
- move to the next line. When you’ve completed the description, press Tab
- to enter an account.
- Note: To put a blank line between descriptions, type a space and press
- Return.
- Àá Account NumberÀá
- Before you can enter an amount, you must select an account. Since this is
- a Sales & Receivables Journal entry, it is usually an income account.
- If you need to enter a new sales account, click the New Account button on the
- detail accounts dialog and M.Y.O.B. zooms to Chart of Accounts. Enter the
- account information and press Enter or click OK. The window disappears
- and you’re back at the Account Number field. Type the new account
- number and press Tab. The new account is selected, its name appears and
- you jump to the Amount field.
- Àá AmountÀá
- Enter a dollar amount. M.Y.O.B. allows you to type the dollar amount
- using numbers, commas, periods and dollar signs. Improperly formed
- amounts are disallowed and decimal amounts are rounded to the nearest
- penny.
- Since M.Y.O.B. balances positive amounts with a debit to your linked
- receivables account, any positive number entered is treated as a credit.
- This is almost always correct, since whenever you add to an income
- account it is a credit. If you’re entering a return or sales adjustment, use
- a negative amount. Negative amounts reduce (debit) the selected account.
- If there is a negative balance due, the linked receivables account is
- credited.
- Note: A negative balance due creates a credit sale. Use Settle Credits to
- process a refund or apply the money to another receivable.
- Note: An account without a dollar amount is kept on the invoice, but is not
- recorded as part of the journal entry.
- ÀáJobÀá
- You can assign the amount to a job . Type the job number and press Tab.
- If you are unsure of the job number, press Command-L to see the job list.
- Select a job from the job list or click New Job to create a new one.
- If you inventory this item, the sales revenue and the cost of sales are assigned to
- the job. If you do not inventory this item just the sales revenue is assigned to the
- job.
- ÀáNote:Àá If you need to assign a single item to more than one job, enter the item
- more than one time. Say, for example, you’re invoicing 50 widgets and 30 are
- for job 12 and 20 are for job 43. Enter two lines for widget sales, one for 30
- units and the other for 20 units.
- ÀáTaxÀá
- A checkmark in the Tax column means that the item is subject to sales tax. The
- Tax column defaults to a checkmark if you checked 'Taxable When Sold' in the
- item information window.
- Click the column to enter a checkmark. Click a checkmark to remove it.
- ÀáCommentÀá
- Enter a comment to be printed on the invoice.
- ÀáJournal MemoÀá
- This is a memo for the Sales & Receivables Journal transaction. When
- printing invoices, you may decide whether or not to print journal memos.
- ÀáFreightÀá
- Enter the shipping charges for this invoice. You must have a linked freight
- account before you can use this field.
- ÀáSalespersonÀá
- M.Y.O.B. tracks sales by salesperson. This is optional. If you do not wish to
- assign this sale to an employee leave the field blank.
- Since this is an optional field, pressing Tab or Return does not display your list
- of employees. To select a card, you must type a few letters of their last name,
- press Command-L, or click the card file icon.
- ÀáNote:Àá Before M.Y.O.B. can track sales by a salesperson, you must check the
- 'Track Sales' History checkbox on the employee's card.
- ÀáPromised DateÀá
- If you are placing this invoice in the pending file, enter the date the order should
- be delivered.
- ÀáNote:Àá Although you may enter a Promised Date for an actual sale, it is relevant
- only if you place the invoice in the pending file.
- ÀáSales Tax PercentÀá
- Sales tax is calculated on all taxable items based upon the percentage entered.
- ÀáNote:Àá M.Y.O.B. defaults to the last sales tax percentage entered.
- If the customer is tax-exempt (see Chapter 7—Card File Entry), the sales tax is
- not calculated, and $0.00 appears in the Sales Tax field, regardless of the
- checkmarks in the Tax column.
- ÀáPaid TodayÀá
- If this is a full or partial cash sale, enter the amount paid here. This amount is
- recorded in the Cash Receipts journal.
- ÀáBalance DueÀá
- This is the total of all lines, plus sales tax, minus the payment made. This
- amount is added to the customer’s receivables balance when the invoice is
- recorded as an actual sale. If the amount is positive an open invoice is created. If
- it is zero, a closed invoice is created. If it is negative, a credit invoice is created.
- ÀáRecord as an Actual SaleÀá
- Record the sale when the goods or services are delivered. If they are not being
- delivered, place the sale in the pending file. If the order is being partially filled,
- see Recording a Partial Sale later in this chapter.
- When you record a sale, a positive amount increases (credits) the item’s linked
- income account. If the item is inventoried, the inventory quantity is reduced, the
- linked inventory account is reduced (credited) and the linked cost of sales account
- is increased (debited). The reverse is true of a negative amount. If there’s a
- positive balance due, it’s added to the receivables balance for this customer and a
- new open receivable is created. When the customer pays the bill, use Apply a
- Payment to settle the receivable.
- ÀáNote:Àá A negative balance due creates a credit invoice. Use Settle Credits to
- process a refund or apply the money to another receivable.
- ÀáPlace in Pending FileÀá
- Use the Pending File for sales to be delivered on a future date (Promised Date).
- If you place an invoice in the pending file, a Sales & Receivables Journal
- transaction is not generated and your inventory is not reduced.
- ÀáNote:Àá If you enter an amount in Paid Today, it is treated as a deposit. M.Y.O.B.
- only accepts deposits if you have a linked deposits account (see Set Up Receivables
- in Chapter GS 3). The amount increases (credits) your linked deposits account and
- puts the money in (debits) your linked checking account.
- ÀáAuto-Build, Auto-Buy, Auto-BackorderÀá
- If you try to record an actual invoice with a shipped quantity greater than your
- on-hand inventory, depending upon the item, you have up to three options:
- 1. If the item is one you auto-build (see Items list in Chapter 6), you can
- choose to build it.
- 2. If you buy the item and have entered a Primary Vendor in the Item
- Information window, you may choose to buy—fill out a purchase order—for
- the item. (This is very useful for businesses that "drop ship" goods.)
- 3. You may put the item on backorder. M.Y.O.B. re-writes the invoice, reducing
- the shipped quantity and moving the remaining quantity into the backorder
- column.
- Building, buying and backordering are three separate steps. If you choose to
- auto-build, M.Y.O.B. displays the auto-build screens and then returns you to the
- invoice. If you choose to auto-buy, M.Y.O.B. displays a purchase order. Complete
- the purchase order (and either record it as an actual purchase or put it in the pending
- file). M.Y.O.B. then returns you to the invoice.
- When you are returned to the invoice, click Record again.